HUGE Theater is a non-profit improv comedy theater in Minneapolis. Improv is the art of creating comedy without a script, and our Director of Education Jill Bernard has been teaching it since 1997, sharing the tools that improvisors use to work together seamlessly and creatively. The principles we use to build a successful show — like listening, trust, and innovation — apply to any collaborative process.

Cost & Location

Our workshop rate is $2000 flat rate for 20 participants or fewer, $4000 flat rate for between 21 and 40 participants. Let’s talk about a workshop with more than 40 participants because there are several avenues to take! The timeframe is 1-2 hours, with 1.5 hours typically being an optimal length. We can come to your location or host you at HUGE Theater for an exciting change of venue. Caveat: this workshop cannot be a surprise. A higher percentage of people have a fear of public speaking than death, it is not kind or wise to spring improv on unwitting participants. If, in addition to the workshop, you wish to hold an off-site meeting at HUGE, our 100-seat theater space is available for rent at $100/hr. (There is no rental fee during workshops.) We can even do a 15 Minute BOREDOM BREAKER where we come to your meeting and teach one quick game to get the synapses firing and the creativity flowing! Priced at $200.


The workshops are taught by highly-qualified members of our team — our Executive Director, Artistic Director, Director of Education, Managing Director, or a hand-picked trained instructor from our teaching staff.


For each workshop, we survey in advance the group’s goals, needs, and desired outcomes. This can run the gamut from mainly wanting to have fun as a team and build camaraderie, to specific goals like flexibility and change management, or developing an office culture that encourages innovation. With that information in hard, we develop a set of games and exercises that address those particular goals. Regardless of group size, the session is fully interactive. It begins with some warmup/icebreaker exercises, followed by diagnostics exercises that introduce improvisational ideas, and ends with application exercises where we implement the concepts. With very large groups there are choices to make: 1) We can break out into small groups of about 20. Advantage: very participatory. Disadvantage: less shared experience as a whole. 2) Alternately, we can present more of a lecture style with improv exercises interspersed, Advantage: the whole group stays together. Disadvantage: less hands-on (which could be an advantage for introverts)

Enthusiasm vs Fear

A higher percentage of people have a fear of public speaking than a fear of death. Improvisors tackle that fear by being enthusiastic instead.

Yes And

The secret to improv is finding ways to agree. We consciously practice saying yes to our partners’ ideas and adding to them. We reserve judgment for later to see what we can build now.

Group Mind

Great teams share a brain. When a basketball team is on the court, they’re making moves as a group that none of them individually could’ve made. Married couples, too – it’s how they end up finishing each other’s sentences.