Summer is almost here and that means Summer Potluck is right around the corner! We're excited to bring the smorgasbord back to the theater in June and July. It's going to be absolutely delicious.
Potluck features two groups on Saturdays at 8:00p. Each group will play for 25 minutes. The show is a curated mix; groups are invited by HUGE or selected based on the submission form below. Different groups will perform each night of the run - this show is not a 2 month commitment! Potluck is a chance to play on the HUGE stage 1-3 times on a Saturday during the summer months.
If you are interested in submitting your show/group for a spot in Summer Potluck, please fill out the form here:
Keep in mind that not all submitted shows will be scheduled. The form will gather availability/interest; we will add you to the line up as timing and availability will allow.
The form will close on May 2 and we will complete the schedule by May 6 - look to hear back from us during that week.
Thanks for your interest - hope to see you around HUGE soon!